Australia highlighted as Global Leader in AI Adoption

A leading multinational Artificial Intelligence powerhouse, INFORM, has announced Australia as a global leader in AI adoption and implementation. With over five decades of expertise in AI, INFORM provides services to iconic Australian brands, including Qantas, Hanson, and ING.

Dr Paul Flachskampf, Chief Executive Officer at INFORM Australia, stated:

“Australia has emerged as a global leader in AI adoption due to its commitment to innovation and willingness to embrace transformative technologies. The country has made significant strides in leveraging AI across various industries, including transportation, manufacturing, and finance, revolutionising processes and driving operational efficiency,” said Dr Flachskampf.

However, Dr Flachskampf emphasises that organisations must take a strategic approach to AI adoption or risk being left behind:

“Organisations must define clear objectives and develop a robust infrastructure that can support the demands of AI systems. Additionally, fostering cross-functional collaboration and prioritising ethical considerations are essential for successful AI automation. Over the past 50 years, INFORM has evolved alongside the development of AI technologies. Our unique approach to integrating Operations Research, Business Intelligence, and AI has allowed us to deliver innovative solutions that drive and empower businesses to excel in a rapidly evolving landscape. Our Hybrid AI approach combines the power of human expertise with machine intelligence, enabling organisations to achieve superior results.”

For organisations yet to implement AI automation solutions, Dr Flachskampf has outlined five steps to lay the foundations for AI automation success:

  1. Define clear objectives: Before diving into AI automation, it’s crucial to define clear objectives for your organisation. Determine specific tasks or processes you want to automate and identify the goals you hope to achieve. Whether improving efficiency, reducing costs, or enhancing customer experience, having well-defined objectives will guide your AI automation strategy.
  2. Gather quality data: High-quality data is the fuel that powers effective AI automation. Gather data from various sources, ensuring it’s accurate, reliable, and representative of the problem you aim to solve. Invest in data cleansing and enrichment processes to eliminate inconsistencies or biases that could impact AI performance.
  3. Implement robust infrastructure: To support AI automation, it’s essential to have a strong and scalable infrastructure in place. Evaluate your IT infrastructure and determine upgrades or enhancements to handle AI systems. This may include cloud computing resources, powerful hardware, and efficient data storage solutions. Building a solid foundation ensures your AI automation efforts can operate seamlessly and deliver optimal performance.
  4. Foster cross-functional collaboration: AI automation success requires collaboration across different teams within your organisation. Encourage collaboration between data scientists, engineers, domain experts, and business stakeholders. By fostering an environment where expertise from multiple disciplines is combined, you can ensure that AI automation projects align with business objectives and effectively address operational challenges. Cross-functional collaboration helps identify potential automation opportunities and ensures a well-rounded implementation.
  5. Prioritise ethics: As you embark on AI automation, prioritise ethics to build trust and avoid pitfalls. Establish clear guidelines and principles to ensure your automation processes are transparent, fair, and accountable. Pay close attention to data privacy, security, and bias mitigation. Regularly assess your AI systems and address issues.

INFORM specialises in Digital Decision Making enabled by Artificial Intelligence (AI) to optimise business operations regarding efficiency, reliability, and agility. Visit their website for more information. 






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