Heavy Vehicle

ALC to take RSRT fight to parliament

Following yesterday’s Federal Court decision to discontinue the temporary stay order on the Road Safety Remuneration Order, the Australian Logistics Council will now urgently write to MPs and Senators before Parliament resumes on 18 April 2016 calling for the Road Safety Remuneration Act to be repealed.

“ALC will write to all Members and Senators, including the cross-bench Senators, explaining why the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal should be abolished as a matter of urgency,” said Michael Kilgariff, ALC Managing Director.

“The decision in the Federal Court yesterday has heightened the need for urgent action by the Government to bring forward legislation repealing the Road Safety Remuneration Act.

“An industrially-focussed body, responsible for setting remuneration in the heavy vehicle industry, is not the right approach to dealing with supply chain safety.

“Improving safety in the heavy vehicle industry must be based on achieving greater compliance and awareness of Chain of Responsibility within the Heavy Vehicle National Law.  

“The confusion, costs and inefficiencies resulting from this Order underscore why the Parliament needs to act to repeal the Tribunal, which a number of independent reports have highlighted is not the right approach to dealing with this issue. 

“ALC has consistently held this position since the Tribunal was first proposed in 2010 and subsequently established in 2012, and we are determined to ensure all MPs and Senators understand there are more effective ways to address the issue of heavy vehicle safety than the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal.”





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