Aesthetic Physician, Dr Scott Ellis Talks with Australia Business News about Cosmetic1


Dr Scott Ellis is a Melbourne-based aesthetic physician who focuses on minimally-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments. Dr Scott has a passion for enhancing each person’s individual anatomy, tailoring every treatment plan to produce a fresh, natural and beautiful result – while still retaining the individual character that makes each of us unique.

Currently at Cosmetic1, Dr Scott is performing cosmetic injections including muscle relaxants, fillers and collagen stimulation therapy, as well as laser resurfacing procedures and thread lifting. Future treatment options include small-area liposuction (with or without reinjection of the fat in other areas for volume & rejuvenation) and platelet rich plasma, ensuring that the ideal combination of treatments can be selected to reach our goals. This approach ensures natural, rejuvenated results that maintain the natural character of each individual patient.

We got the chance to have an exclusive interview with Dr Scott Ellis in the new space:

So Dr Scott, what inspired you to get involved in the cosmetic industry?

“I’ve always been interested in analysing beauty and proportion in many forms – within architecture, product design, nature and – of course – the face. As a junior doctor I was introduced to the concept of non-surgical treatments and was immediately captivated by the necessity to understand form and proportion, as well as the positive psychological benefits that making small adjustments could create. This was probably amplified after I had my own treatment for the first time and experienced a boost in self-confidence, setting my career path firmly down cosmetic medicine!”

Where have you studied?

“I studied at the University of Adelaide, and obtained a Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery. I’ve had the amazing opportunity to train with aesthetic world-leaders in Korea, Thailand, Dubai, Georgia, and across Australia to develop the skills required to guide clients to their aesthetic goals. I’m an active member of the American Academy of Anti-Ageing Medicine, and regularly train aesthetic doctors & nurses across Australia.”

This may be a tough one, but what is your favourite procedure to conduct?

“This is a tough question to answer – every patient has different needs and as such the ‘wow’ treatments change depending on who I’m working with. If I had to pick, however, then collagen stimulation therapy would be top of the list. Even though it’s an injectable procedure, we’re actually using the body’s natural processes to replace volume, improve skin quality and enhance facial proportions. It’s unfortunate, but I commonly see the use of high volumes of filler resulting in a puffy, unnatural appearance. Collagen stimulation has the advantage that we can replace larger volumes without a puffy appearance – resulting in natural, long-lasting rejuvenation.”

What is the best thing a patient has ever said to you?

“Quite simply – “I’m so happy!”. It never gets old to hear this, because ultimately my goal is to help people feel more confident. One of the most rewarding parts of working with my patients is that I also get to see their confidence grow over time. This is often most pronounced when helping someone manage their acne or acne scarring – usually they are being dragged in by their partner or parent at their first consultation, and are fairly timid. After a few treatments, however, we see them stroll through our door with a big smile on their face as they greet the team. Being part of someone’s journey to increased confidence is the most rewarding part of working in this field.”

What’s the strangest cosmetic request you’ve ever had?

“One that comes to mind is the time a patient came in requesting dermal filler to her elbows – that certainly surprised me! It turns out that she was a hand model, and that her actual concern was the worsening quality of the skin on her arms as the fine lines and pigmentation were visible in photos and videos. We developed a treatment plan consisting of collagen stimulation therapy, laser skin rejuvenation and daily sun protection, and have managed to maintain results that she is thrilled with for a little over two years now. To this day I’ve never injected filler around the elbows!”

Who is your favourite celebrity?

“I most admire Serena Williams – she’s undoubtedly one of the best talents to ever play tennis, but it’s her poise and achievements off the court that really stand out for me. Serena spends a significant amount of time and energy quietly going about making meaningful differences in communities across the world. I would encourage people to look into the many causes that she supports, but as an example she has worked with UNICEF to deliver their Schools for Asia initiative, Allstate Foundation Purple Purse which focuses on supporting domestic violence victims and founded the Yetunde Price Resource Centre with her sister Venus.”

Why did you make the move from Adelaide to Melbourne?

“I moved to Melbourne at the beginning of last year – it’s a city that I’ve always loved because of the food, culture and of course the coffee! My partner is from Melbourne initially, so our decision to move was solidified by the ability to spend more time with her family. We’ve settled here for good, and it’s great that I still get to spend plenty of time with my family as they regularly come across to visit.”

What made you decide to join the Cosmetic1 team?

“Cosmetic1 represents a level of quality & excellence that is unique within the industry. I have known Dr David Topchian for over a year now, and have always admired his team’s patient-centric approach, attention to detail and commitment to achieving natural, fresh results. The staff share my core fundamental values of focusing on patients’ self-confidence, and are some of the best practitioners in their respective fields in Australia. I’m extremely excited to join Cosmetic1 to work alongside such a high-level team.”

If you would like to know more, contact the friendly team at Cosmetic1 to book a consultation with Dr Scott so he can develop a personalised treatment plan designed to help address your specific concerns and, ultimately, boost confidence 1800 745 536. Or book online 

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