
Second petition for Brexit

Last Thursday, the United Kingdom announced they will no longer be a part of the European Union resulting in their economic stance to be in strife. The ‘leave’ campaign won by 52% with 30 million voters. Many are concerned over the UK not staying as they are aware of the effects of leaving the Union.

A petition has been initiated by the UK government which has already been signed by over 3 million ‘remain’ supporters. “We the undersigned call upon HM Government to implement a rule that if the remain or leave vote is less than 60% based on a turnout less than 75% there should be a referendum,” it states.

The Mayor of London insisted there is “no need to panic” but said that “we all have a responsibility to now seek to heal the divisions that have emerged throughout this campaign – and to focus on that which unites us, rather than that which divides us.”

A number of British celebrities such as The Late Late Show presenter, James Corden has spread his message via social media to support the ‘remain’ campaign. The lead singer of Bastille, Dan Smith, also supported the ‘remain’ campaign from the beginning tweeting:

The outcome has sent the pound to plummet to a 30-year low and caused the Prime Minister, David Cameron to resign. Many are hoping the public will re-think their vote and put it to something that will benefit the country.





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