
Malcolm Turnbull announces federal election

The past few years of Australian politics hasn’t been the most stable, with four leaders being in power in just a two year span. Following his election as Prime Minister last September, Turnbull hasn’t done much in terms of policy, largely as a result of the conflicts within government which don’t allow much moving space for the new PM. In early May, Turnbull sought a double dissolution election from the Governor General Peter Cosgrove, and this weekend announces it was to take place on the 2nd of July this year, months earlier than the scheduled federal election.

The political situation in Australia is currently incredibly complicated, with former Liberal leader Tony Abbott still very present in the media and opposition leader Bill Shorten vocal about the issues he sees in Turnbull’s government. During the speech to announce the election date, 66 people were arrested in Newcastle Harbour protesting fossil fuels, and the recent issues with detention centres Nauru and Manus Island have caused even more distress for the already vulnerable government.

Despite Turnbull’s incredibly strong start – becoming the most popular leader in Australian history in the polls – there has been a quick turn around in favour of a Labor government lead by Bill Shorten. Turnbull’s reluctance to distant himself from the right-wing politics that characterised, and ultimately lead to the downfall of Abbott’s leadership is likely to blame for this, with the Australian public looking for a leader that actually represents them and their interests. Shorten has spoken out many times about Turnbull’s connection to large businesses and his past as a businessman, referring to the ‘Malcolm Millionaires’ and implying Turnbull is only interested in helping those people, especially in terms of the budget.

This morning on ABC radio, Labor frontbencher Anthony Albanese talked extensively about the current Turnbull government and what he perceives the issues to be. It seems to him, and to us here at ABN, that the Australian public is looking for someone who will be appropriate, talk to the people and act in our interests rather than their own. The fact that a large majority of the Australian population is in favour of marriage equality, but the government is yet to do so despite much prompting, is a clear example of why the people are becoming so disillusioned in Australian politics.

The electoral roll will close on May 23 and nominations for candidates will close June 9, so make sure you’re registered and ready to vote.


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