Planet Friendly Hospitality the Next Big Thing?

Now that the research is in on the most planet-friendly way to eat, some forward thinking businesses are taking this research and reimagining their business in a more planet-friendly way.

In Sydney alone we are seeing multiple businesses take the plunge to planet-friendly dining choices. The game changer was Gigi’s Pizzeria, based in Newtown this Italian restaurant woke up to the cold hard truth of the effects of its menu and decided to switch things up to planet-friendly alternatives. Gigi’s is now thriving after gaining worldwide recognition for its change to a plant-based menu. The restaurant offers a delightful modern menu that remains true to its Italian roots just in a sustainable way.

Soul Burger based in Randwick was the second Sydney restaurant to take on the planet-friendly challenge. Being a burger joint the switch to plants for the basis of the menu seemed a little more daunting but they have achieved impeccable results and the business sees more customers daily then it could in a week before.

Gelato Blue based in Newtown is the next one to transition across. It started out with a small planet-friendly menu but has now increased its planet-friendly choices to over two-thirds of its menu which for a gelateria is pretty impressive.

These businesses are setting the trends for many more to follow and even though a menu that is made up of just plants can seem daunting many more businesses are increasing the plant-based options on their menu as we move forward into the age of planet friendly hospitality.


