Medical Cannabis Laws to be Introduced in Australia

The Federal Government is today introducing legislation that will legalise the cultivation and use of cannabis for medicinal or scientific purposes within a national framework.

The formation and implementation of a national cannabis cultivation scheme will change the way that patients with terminal, chronic or painful illnesses access medicinal cannabis and manage pain. Previous to this legislation, medicinal marijuana has been available within specific circumstances – however alternate cannabis products such as Tinctures, Canna Caps and Canna Oil have remained illegal forcing patients to turn to criminal imports in desperation.

The perceived benefits of cannabis upon the chronically and terminally ill have long been studied, with support for the use of this naturally-occurring treatment mounting over recent years.

The positive impact of medicinal cannabis is most widely recognised in the reduction of the symptoms of severe epilepsy, autism and the detrimental effects of chemotherapy within children.

The Vice documentary below illustrates some of the many issues surrounding the legalisation and prescription of medicinal marijuana by focussing upon an eight year-old’s experience with leukaemia in America.

Although today marks an incredibly positive step by the Australian Government, do not get your hopes up; there remains no change in the Government’s stance towards the legalisation of Cannabis for either general cultivation or recreational use.





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