mal & al

Turnbull’s Chief Scientist is Pro Renewables

Dr Allan Finkel, an engineer, neuroscientist and the Turnbull Governments most recent Scientific Adviser, has suggested that Australia needs to do more to complete the transition from coal to renewable energy.

Dr Finkel, the newly appointed Chief Scientist, has said that he wants to place sustainable energy squarely on the political agenda so that Australian’s could more readily weigh up the plethora of options and opportunities available. He stipulates that all countries must dramatically increase their efforts if they are going to have any hope of achieving the targets set by the Paris climate talks last year.

Dr Finkel, suggests that part of the problem lies within our lack of storage capabilities rather than our lack of investment within renewable alternatives.

“The problem is, it doesn’t matter how much wind and solar you have it’s intermittent…Without storage of some kind, wind and solar will never deliver on their full potential.”

Since his recent promotion to the position, Dr Finkel has already called for; a review of tax incentives for research and development, the development of a plan for science and innovation and the communication of a clear and concise government agenda.

Dr Finkel’s appointment could not come at a more vital time, as a study on Monday revealed that Australia has one of the highest greenhouse gas emissions growth-rates in the world.



Via: Sydney Morning Herald 






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