5 Tips to be happier at work

A job that you love waking up for every morning is the dream. However, the power to be happy at work is actually in your hands regardless of the job. Here are five simple tips to be happier in your workplace:

1. Wake up on the right side of the bed
Literally is a start but more importantly if you wake up feeling good about the day you are more likely to have a good day. Make it a point to do something in the morning that makes you feel good. Take a shower, get some fresh air or enjoy a nice warm peppermint tea. Whatever you need to do to get yourself in a good mood, do it because it sets the tone for the rest of your workday.

2. Create an office nest
“You are at your job for at least eight hours a day, which is more time than you probably spend in your bed,” says Jennifer Star, a founding partner of The Balance Team. You’ve got to work in your area so you may as well make it one that you like being in. Add some personality to it and make yourself comfortable just as long as it follows company policies.

3. Socialise with colleagues
You don’t have to become best friends with everyone in the office but a bit of small talk can make you feel like you are part of the team. Engagement with employees makes your workplace a more enjoyable place to be. Having manners and a simple smile can put you in a happier mood which will lead to better productivity.

4. Eat and Drink
You’ve heard it before but you just get so busy and snack on the roasted peanuts you keep in your draw. Keep a water bottle with you at all times as keeping yourself hydrated and keep up the energy you need. To a lot of people food itself is the epitome of happiness. According to Dr. Caroline Longmore, the food you eat can have a big impact on your mood. Eating healthier foods like fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins that your brain needs for optimal functioning.

5. Take breaks
Get your bottom out of your office chair and your eyes off your computer screen even if it’s just for a few minutes. A short walk around has long-lasting benefits. It’s a good chance to think about what you’ve accomplished so far and take a breath before moving on to your next task. Moving around can re-energise you and put you in a happier mood.





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