10 Must Reads for Success

These ten books will change the way you think about success. They will shake up your game plan and help you forge your own path to success. Every book in this list provides a different insight on the multifaceted nature of success and and gets you one step closer to your goals.

1.The seven laws of spiritual success: A practical guide to the fulfilment of your dreams By Deepak Chopra

For a spiritual take on success this book will shatter the preconceptions of work and help you discover your ability to achieve success in spirituality.

2.Like A Virgin: Secrets they won’t teach you at business school By Richard Branson

Richard Branson shares his success secrets. Advice from a billionaire on leadership and success is always wanted.

3.MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom By Tony Robbins

This motivational icon has put the pen to paper on his tips for success. With the help of experts he has collated their advice into stories to help you succeed.

4.Deep work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World By Cal Newport

This book allows you to go deeper in your search for success. Going beyond the surface and diving deep into how to become the best and what ever you do.

5. Doing the Right Things Right: How the Effective Executive Spends Time By Laura Stack

This book is an exercise in the effective. It looks at the behaviours and practices of an effective executive and provides pointers on how you can find your way to being not just a leader but an effective one.

6.The Conquer Kit: 8 Passion-Fueled Steps to Grow Your Dream Business By Natalie Macneil

This is the ultimate business plan book. Breaking all the rules and reimagining the business plan into a user friendly and effective tool for success.

7.How to Win Friends and Influence People By Dale Carnegie

This classic is a necessary read for anyone who wants to achieve success… just ask any successful person.

8.Outliers: The Story of Success By Malcolm Gladwell

This is a narrative of the socialisation of success and an insight into the stories behind success and how it relates to you.

9.Start with why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action By Simon Sinek

This book delves into the why. Showcasing how great leaders started with the question of why things are the way they were and through this inspired change.

10.Lean in: Women, Work and The Will to Lead By Sheryl Sandberg

This book inspires women to take the next step in their success story and allows men to see the importance of allowing women to step into success.





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